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Working From Home? Take Care of Your Legs with These tips

While working from home can be beneficial in allowing us to wear pajamas all day with access to unlimited coffee, it can also present some challenges to our health if we’re not careful.

There are currently more people working from home than ever before.

According to Stanford economist Nicholas Bloom, “42 percent of the U.S. labor force [is] now working from home full-time.”

To put this in perspective, the Pew Research Center estimates that only 7% of workers in the U.S. had access to a “flexible workplace” benefit or telework prior to COVID-19.

One of the biggest strains sitting around the house can have on your body is preventing your blood from circulating well, and this can lead to a variety of venous conditions. Your muscles contract when your legs are in motion, pumping blood towards your heart. So, having a job that doesn’t allow for much movement, can negatively impact your leg vein health.

Check out these 7 tips to keep your veins healthy while you’re working from home.

1. Have a comfortable seat 

​Good posture is important, and choosing a well-cushioned chair with back support can make all the difference. I promise you; a folding chair or stool won’t do the trick. A seat that is large enough for your legs to fit comfortably side by side will reduce pressure on the sides of your thighs and backs of your knees, thus preventing constricted blood flow.

2. Make sure to move around 

​It can be easy to feel worn out even when working from the comfort of your own home, but don’t forget to get up and stretch your body between extended periods of sitting. Simply pace around during a conference call or take a break occasionally to stroll around the house, even if it’s just a trip into the kitchen for a snack.

3. Have healthy snacks and drinks available

​Speaking of snacks…You might be tempted to binge eat whatever comfort foods you have lying around when you’re stuck at home, but resisting the temptation will be worth it. Having a bag full of healthy fruits, veggies, or nuts and a fresh bottle of water will leave you energized and will help prevent weight gain which can place added stress on your veins.

4. Change your environment 

​You’re now your own boss in terms of dress code and office arrangement – take advantage of it. Open your windows for some fresh air, set the thermostat to your liking and turn on as many or as little lights as you like. Creating a comfortable environment and eliminating stress can help stabilize your blood pressure to reduce the effort required by your veins to transfer blood.

5. Give yourself breaks 

​It’s not healthy for you to overexert yourself mentally or physically. Take time to close your eyes briefly, have a conversation with friends or family, or step outside. Your body needs rest to heal and recuperate, and your mind needs time to refresh. Setting aside some time each day will pay off in the long run!

Maybe you want to forgo the shower and lounge around in your pajamas all day. Don’t worry we’re not going to stop you. Clothing or shoes that inhibit the movement of your legs restrict blood flow which can aggravate venous conditions, so sweatpants may not be such a bad idea. Compression stockings can also work wonders because not only do they help prevent blood from pooling in the lower extremities, but they also strengthen calf muscles.

7. Plan a workout

One good thing about working from home is that your schedule is a bit more flexible, so you can choose when to do a workout. Whether before work, on your lunch break or after you have finished everything for the day, don’t forget to exercise. Even simple leg stretches at your desk such as calf raises or pointing your toes can help drastically.

It is important to remember that there is a large network of veins in your legs and feet that help return blood to your heart, so unhealthy habits, stress, bad posture or even restricting clothes can put unnecessary strain on your veins.

These precautions may help alleviate discomfort in your legs, but don’t forget that venous conditions are not simply a cosmetic issue and there could be an underlying problem. At Taylor Vein Solutions, we develop a personalized plan for each of our patients to provide them with the best possible treatment for their condition.

If you have pain and discomfort in your legs, schedule a consultation at our clinic to meet with one of the best vein surgeons!

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