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Privacy Policy

This policy describes how medical information can be used and disclosed. It also explains how you can get access to this information. Please review carefully.

Without your consent, we may use your health information: To obtain payment for your treatment To continue or coordinate your treatment For Administrative purposes such as evaluation/quality of care.

Subject to certain requirements, we may give out health information without your authorization for public health purpose, abuse and neglect reporting, health planning, auditing purposes, research studies, funeral arrangement and organ donation, worker compensation purposes and emergencies. We may provide information required by law, such as for law enforcement in specific circumstances, In any other situation, we will ask for your written authorization or require a written authorization from any other entity requesting your medical records and/or personal health We may use or disclose identifiable health information about you without your authorization for several other reasons. Information i.e. Record copy services, attorneys etc. You may later revoke any signed written authorization form and stop any future uses and disclosure.

In most cases, you have the right to look at or obtain a copy of your medical records and/or personal health information our office has pertaining to you. If you request records, our office has a three day waiting period for these records to be produced. These records are to be picked up at our office. We will not mail them to your home or another address since this information is personal in nature. You also have the right to receive a list of instances where we have disclosed health information about you for any reason.

​You may request in writing, for us not to use or disclose your information for any reason except when specifically authorized by you, when required by law or in emergency circumstances. We will consider your request but are not legally required to accept it.

We are required by law to protect the privacy of your medical information, provide this notice about our information practices and follow them as described in this notice. All employees of Ganesh Ramaswami, M.D.P.C are fully trained on this policy and the confidentiality practices of our office. If you have further concern or questions regarding this notice please ask to speak to the office manager.

We reserve the right to change this notice. We reserve the right to make the revised Notice effective for the health information we already have about you as well as any information we receive in the future. Our office will always have a copy of this NOTICE posted in our office for your review.