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Sam Herald

The Story of Sam Herald

Despite leading an active lifestyle, working on carpentry framing, home improvement and remodeling projects before and after his retirement from Fermi (DTE), Dan Gerweck began noticing the appearance of varicose veins on his legs in his 50s. Although his job allowed him to avoid sitting and standing for long periods of time, which largely contribute to varicose veins, his genes got the best of him.

As a child, Dan watched his mom struggle with varicose veins: “I can remember when I was in kindergarten or 1st grade and my mom’s vein burst open.” Lucky for him, his case was much less severe, as he did not feel any pain.  However, that did not stop him from seeking treatment. After 10 years living with his condition, Dan remembered his mother and contacted Taylor Vein Solutions in order to prevent his varicose veins from progressing.

Dan found Taylor Vein Solutions after a quick Google search. TVS’s good reviews and nearby location caught his eye, and he decided to come to us for help. Upon his first visit, Dan was “very impressed with the professionalism” and felt a wave of calmness come over him as Doctor Ramaswami explained everything about Dan’s treatment plan and procedures. Doctor Ramaswami assured him that there would be no issues and Dan could return to his normal life shortly after. 

That is exactly what happened. Every patient with venous reflux can have up to several minimally invasive procedures to complete their treatment. According to Dan, it only took a few days after each procedure to get back to his daily routine. After completing his treatment, Dan states his “legs look and feel 20 years younger” as they’re less heavy and restless than they were before. To his friends, Dan would recommend Taylor Vein Solutions to treat their varicose veins. 

​Dan’s success story is much like every patient with Venus reflux that has walked through the doors of Taylor Vein Solutions. Our clinic not only specializes in treating spider and varicose veins, but also in giving our patients the best care possible by walking with them every step of the way. At TVS, we always ensure our patients feel as comfortable at our office as they do at their own home. If you’re interested in learning more about varicose vein treatment, be sure to give our office a call at (734) 768-2017 today! 

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