Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a common condition that affects millions of men and women. It can make resting and falling asleep uncomfortable and frustrating, often leading to chronic poor sleep quality.
While the exact cause of RLS remains unknown, some studies suggest a link between the condition and vein problems like venous insufficiency. If this is the case, treating underlying vein issues may be able to offer relief from uncomfortable RLS symptoms that can impact a person’s quality of life.
What Is Restless Leg Syndrome?
Restless leg syndrome is considered a neurological condition that causes uncomfortable or “restless” sensations in the legs, causing an urge to move them. This feeling tends to be worse at night or while resting, often impacting sleep.
While the exact causes or triggers of restless leg syndrome are not entirely understood, research suggests that genetics, dopamine regulation and other health conditions such as iron deficiency, peripheral neuropathy or venous insufficiency may play a role.
What Does Restless Leg Syndrome Feel Like?
People often report feeling a crawling, tingling or pulling sensation deep in their legs. This is typically accompanied by an overwhelming need to move the legs to find temporary relief. These symptoms usually occur when at rest, such as when sitting, lying down or sleeping, and can range from mild discomfort to severe or even life-disrupting sensations.
Additionally, the frequency of symptom occurrence can vary from person to person. While some people experience RLS symptoms consistently every night, others may only experience them occasionally or intermittently.
Restless Leg Syndrome and Venous Insufficiency
There is a growing body of research that suggests restless leg syndrome may be related to vein problems like varicose veins and venous insufficiency. Venous insufficiency, also called venous reflux, occurs when the valves in your veins become damaged or weakened, causing blood to pool in your legs rather than returning to the heart efficiently. This can lead to symptoms like leg swelling, pain and restlessness, as well as other health complications like leg ulcers and deep vein thrombosis.
Studies have shown that many people with RLS also have underlying vein issues, and addressing these vein problems may provide relief from RLS symptoms. Thus, treatments for venous insufficiency, such as endovenous ablation, have been found to significantly reduce or even eliminate RLS symptoms in some cases.
While not all causes of restless leg syndrome are linked to vein problems, this research suggests that those experiencing RLS symptoms should be evaluated for vein issues to either rule them out or begin treatment for symptom relief.
What to Do Next
If you experience restless leg syndrome pain or discomfort frequently or have symptoms that disrupt your sleep and other areas of your daily life, don’t wait to get help. Contact a vein specialist like Dr. Ramaswami, who can assess your condition, diagnose any underlying vein concerns and create a customized treatment plan if needed.To schedule your consultation today, please give us a call at 734-287-1950 or fill out our secure online contact form.